Emergency Care

A Full-time Emergency Service. As well as ICU, MICU at Leonard Hospital we have a 24/7 Casualty Department functioning with qualified casualty Medical Officers and Nurses. The Casualty Department is equipped to provide First Aid for Trauma, Accident and the Critically Ill who are subsequently shifted to the ICU. We have a well-equipped ICU set up where we provide quality health service to critical Road Traffic Accident cases with variable degrees of trauma including Head Injuries and Poly Trauma.
Respiratory Emergency cases like Obstructive Airway Diseases, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Bronchiectases as well as for Cardiac Emergencies like Myocardial Infarction, Pulmonary Edema, Congestive Heart Failure, Cerebral Vascular Diseases with different types of Neurological Deficiencies, Seizure Disorders and different types of Poison cases (insecticide, herbicide, oleander seed, datura, chemicals, acids, alkalis, tablets) with acute respiratory depression, also Snake bite, Insect bite etc. There are different types of trauma with Hemopneumothorax requiring intercostal drainage, Shock with Multiorgan failure, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Metabolic Encephalopathy, Hanging cases and patients who need ventilator support for critical care management.
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